Friday, September 28, 2007
Almost a US Citizen
It was a rough day for Josh. He hasn't slept much in the last two days, nor have Matt and I, and he isn't eating very well either. He does have 3 1/2 teeth now. His new tooth is half-way out now. He was really cranky and crying a lot today. The only thing that seemed to not make him cry was riding the stroller, so we went for several short walks today. Let's hope that he is better tomorrow.
The big news of day is we had our US Consulate appoint today. All the paperwork was in order so we had to go the swearing ceremony. Basically, all the adopting families in the room stood up and repeated the swearing statement. We swore that we are who we say we are and that all the information provided to the US government was truthful and accurate. It seemed very unceremonious for such a long wait. Plus, in the post 9/11 world no cameras were allowed in the consulate, therefore no pictures. Now that everything is done, once we pass through immigration in LAX Josh will be an American citizen. YEAH!!!
Tomorrow at 9pm, China time, we will leave Guangzhou and begin our trek home. We will arrive in Indy at 9am on 9/30. It will take us about 24 hours to get back home. We are all pretty nervous about how Josh will do traveling for such a long time. We are all praying that things go well.
See everyone back in Indy. It's been an amazing journey, but we are ready to come home.
Love to all, Matt, Jenny and Josh
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Red Couch Day!
It's a tradition for all the babies to have their picture taken on the red couch here at the hotel.
Tomorrow we go to the American consulate to take an oath. No cameras are allowed so there won't be any pictures. Tomorrow will be our last post before we leave. It's been a fantastic trip and everyone we met has been very nice, but we are ready to come home. The moment the plane touches the ground at LAX Josh will be an American citizen.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
WOW! Three Posts Today!
It's like eating with a dog at your feet. He always wants to try what we're having and does his best baby bird impression when it's headed his way. He's learned the sound of his bottle being shaken and will do everything he can to get to whoever is shaking it. He's also learning to pick up food and put it in his mouth on his own.
He's learning his name
He has three teeth and one more breaking out today.
He is famous because everyone thinks he has adjusted so well.
He has to be into everything. If its within reach, he's after it. If it's out of reach, he goes and gets it. His new thing is pulling himself up to see whats on the nightstand or bed to see what he can reach. So we put things he can have up there.
He absolutely LOVES bath time
He's a big flirt - with women of all ages
He loves to be lifted high and dipped low
He hates to have his clothes changed because it requires him to be held still
He will cry in his sleep a couple times a night but can usually be soothed quiet again
that's all for now,
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Josh's Blessing
Not only were the buildings light, but so were all the boats on the river. Each one was different.
This is our hotel, The White Swan, from the river at night.
The next morning we went to the Temple of the Six Banyans. There the babies were blessed by a Buddhist monk. We had to take our shoes off, no pictures allowed and make an offering. It was very special. Then Matt, Josh and Jenny climbed to the top of the pagoda. Each floor was shorter than the next making climbing the stairs difficult for Matt.
We're not sure what were doing tonight, but right now both the boys are taking a nap. Keep checking back for the latest. Tomorrow is the infamous "Red Couch" picture day. There should be some good pictures from that.
Love to all, Matt, Jenny and Josh
The Missing Pics From Yesterday
Picture Problems
We bought some squeeky shoes for Josh yesterday and he loves them! He wants to try walking all the time now just so he can listen to them.
We went walking around a marketplace last night and found some interesting stuff. One shop was full of wines. Not just ordinary wines - but cobra, ant, and scorpion wines. Five gallon bottles full of something fermenting with actual critters pickled in there with it. Tequila with the worm in it no longer impresses me.
This morning we went to a large garden. It was probably the neatest park we've been to yet. The landscaping and upkeep is tremendous. We have pictures, but it looks like you'll have to wait.
Tonight we went on a river cruise for the Moon Festival. It's considered the second largest holiday, after New Years, during which families reunite, have feasts, and gaze upon the full moon. There were tons of people out along the river's edge to look at the moon. The cruise was neat, the food was bad.
Tomorrow we're going to a temple and Josh will receive a Buddhist blessing from monks who still reside there. Should be fun.
We'll try to get pics up tomorrow,
M,J, &J
P.S. we haven't had any countdown updates, mom
Monday, September 24, 2007
Easy Goin' Days
This was our breakfast table this morning. Rough, we know.
We had to take the babies to a local hospital for a physical exam this morning. It really was no big deal but they all have to have it. He really does weigh 22lbs. He's not the biggest in our group as there is a 24 pound chunk with us. Josh really didn't fuss through the whole thing except when she put the tongue depressor in his mouth. He really hates having things forced in his mouth like a toothbrush.
At the moment Josh is napping or should I say just waking up grumpy because he has a wet diaper. The the five of us are going to go to a street market this afternoon. We'll try and post some more pictures later.
Love, Matt, Jenny, and Josh
Sunday, September 23, 2007
More Quick Pics
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Final Stop
Mid-flight, Josh started to get a little cranky so we did an emergency diaper change right there in the seat. That, along with several other cranky babies on board, made for an interesting flight. This was a test drive for the end of the week. All and all it wasn't to bad.
It took us another hour to get to the hotel and another long while to check in. By that time we were starving so we had to go get something. Josh was a bear to put down for his nap this afternoon. It didn't help that the crib has NO padding. We padded the crib with some chair cushions and finally got him down. It was a short nap but when he got up he was all grins again. It's like he thinks we'll forget what a stinker he is if he acts all cute and stuff. :)
Our hotel, The White Swan, is easily the nicest one we have stayed with so far. It's located on somewhat of an island loaded with shops and restaurants. There are lots of Americans here and the Chinese here speak English quite well. Walking around has a bit of a feel like Gatlinburg, Tn or Nashville, In. It will be pretty comfortable staying here for eight days but we are ready to come home. There are just some things you don't realize how nice they are like being able to drink water out of the tap. It's been REALLY hard not to rinse our toothbrushes under the tap. We almost do it every time.
We'll get some pictures up next time. We promise!
M, J, & J
Friday, September 21, 2007
Quick Post
The Chinese often use some sign language when they are selling goods denoting numbers. Our guide showed us these yesterday. As we were walking through this market, a guy noticed us practicing our number signs and wanted to practice counting in English. We did for a while and he read our card which says we are adopting Josh, blah blah blah. He then wanted to hold Josh. Sure. We needed to get back to the bus so we told him we had to leave, but he wanted to carry Josh back with us. We let that go for a little before I just grabbed Josh back and said "we gotta go". He was harmless, but hey, that's MY boy.
Here are some more pictures of Chongqing. The city is huge and tall buildings go on for miles. The river is the Yangtze, 4th largest in the world.
We have to meet again at 3:30 to do some more paperwork and get Josh's visa and passport. We then need to have our luggage ready for pick-up at 9:30. It's bright and early tomorrow as we leave the hotel at 5:30am for Guangzhou, our last stop. We'll be in Guangzhou for 8 more days as we wait for our appointment at the American Consulate. From everything we hear, Guangzhou is very nice and the area we stay in used to be part of an English territory so it is a little more "westerner" friendly.
On a side note, it's fun to see everyone in the group get along so well. If someone doesn't have something, like a medicine, someone else will readily donate it. We will randomly go to meals together if we happen to see others going out and leaving our doors open so others can just walk in for play dates. We're in the process of gathering each other's info so we can keep in contact after we disperse throughout the US.
We're 2 for 2 on internet access so far so we'll try to get up and running again tomorrow. Until then,
Matt, Jenny, and Josh
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Lucky You - 2 Posts Today
This is path in the park, but cars would zoom past us. We think that they were hired driver to drop people off because Chongqing is a mountain town and many of the streets are steep.
This is the pagoda at the center of the park. We opted not to climb all the way to the top with a 22 pound melonhead strapped to my chest. Honestly, we wouldn't have been able to see much due to the smog.
This the tea house we went to and participated in the tea ceremony. It was quite interesting to witness the history of the ceremony and the tea wasn't bad either, coming from the non-tea drinker. Matt liked one of the teas so much we bought a little to take back with us.
Below is the picture of them rinsing your hair and then continuing to massage your head and neck. Then they do a massage of your shoulders, arms and hands. Ecstasy! We were then led back to the salon chair and they massages your shoulder and back. Finally, the stylist was brought in to blow dry your hair. It was an hour experience and it was worth every penny of the two bucks.
Indiana, Oh Indiana, Indiana we all for you!!
While the moms were away, Josh and I had a good ol' time. I found a tickle spot on his neck and had him screaming with laughter. We romped around on the bed for a good hour around nap time. As much fun as we had, he reached out for Jen when she got back which was really good to see. He might just be taking a shine to us! One problem, though. The moms were gone just long enough for me and a couple other dads to change poopy diapers. BAD MOMS!
Tomorrow, we're headed to an area of the city with many historic buildings and shops.
Until tomorrow,
Matt, Jenny, and Josh