Monday, January 21, 2008

Josh's Surgery

On Thursday Josh had his "surgery." Despite having a late start time, Josh did great. He didn't start getting really fussy until about an hour before his surgery. Matt and I avoided the kitchen and didn't eat in front of Josh, which I think helped keep his mind off food. After all his fussing he fell asleep right before he was going to go OR, so the nurse just carried him. He woke up from anesthesia really grumpy. He just wanted to be held and went crazy if anyone else tried to touch him. Of course, all the nurses were making over him to, which he loved (at least before surgery.)

On the way home we stopped to get his prescription pain medicine and he was finally starting to come around. He drank some juice, so we decided to stop for ice cream. Josh got his own small dish of DQ and he ate almost all of it. We knew ice cream would be a hit.

The next day Josh was his normal self. He had a few fussy moments when he was having some pain, but pain medicine took care of that. Of course it's been a challenge to keep out of the bath. He can't take a bath until Wednesday so that we can soak his dressing off. He doesn't like sponge baths nearly as much.

Matt and I would like to thank everyone for all the prayers for Josh. We sure felt them on Thursday when Josh was a trooper through everything.

Love to all,
M, J, J


Louanne said...

SO happy to hear that everything went great!

Shannon and Dan said...

Yay! What a little trooper! We are so happy he did so well...

Anonymous said...

He 's our little trooper. Happy to hear things went well. Love papaw Joe and mamaw Jane