Friday, December 07, 2007

Here comes Santa

Hi everyone! It's been a busy couple of weeks. Josh had his one year appointment with the doctor and he is now having only one bottle at night. We decided to keep the bottle until after his surgery so that he has it for comfort. The process of Josh's readoption or as Indiana calls it "Registering an Immigrant Adoption" has been started. The paperwork will be filed with the court sometime next week probably. It will take six to eight weeks for completion.

Since Josh has turned one he is learning in leaps and bounds. He has learned some new tricks, like climbing.

Here Josh climbed from the pillows on the floor unto the top of the coffee table. He can't walk on his own very well yet, but he is already climbing. Lord help us.

Here Comes Santa Claus!!!!

For the past several years Matt has played Santa for the Moose Lodge when they have the Christmas party for the mentally handicapped adults. Each year is a little different, but many of the same people are there from year to year. Matt enjoys playing Santa a lot. This year there were more people then ever, plus it was Josh's first time of meeting Santa.

Josh meets Santa (aka Daddy) for the first time. He was not to sure what to make of this funny looking guy with the long white beard.

I'm not crying, but I'm definitely not happy.

After a couple of times sitting on Santa's (Matt's) lap and a couple of tosses up in the air Josh was all smiles.

I love Santa!
More Josh tidbits:

Josh is learning so quickly now. He has started stacking his cups inside one another. He is initiating walking all by himself. He isn't very steady yet, but he is working on it. We are currently working on learning some body parts like nose and tummy.

Here Josh is feeding himself with a fork. I would stab the food and give him the fork. He would then put the fork to his mouth.

Yum Yum!!

We have been working on coloring since his birthday with his new crayons. He is coloring on his own here for the first time. I did have to stop him from eating the crayon just after I snapped the picture though.

Look I'm ambidextrous! I can also color with my left hand.

Love, Matt, Jenny and Josh


Louanne said...

He is so darn handsome!! I love the shot of him being thrown in the air by Santa Daddy. Isn't it fun to watch them learn all these new things?


ba_joker said...

It's not often that you see Santa throwing babies into the air, but I thought it was great. Alyssa looks like she's going to be a climber too. She went up our entire set of stairs in no time at all, with me behind her. I'm going to have to get a gate put up before she tries it without me there to look after her.
